0Princess of Humiliation






    Q: What methods of payment do you accept? Visa, Master Card, Discover & American Express.  Credit and Debit cards are both fine.

    Q: How much is it? $19.90 for 10 minutes plus $1.99 per minute after that... You are not billed for hold time.  Now, that is for callers within the United States.  If you are a loser who wishes to dial me internationally, the cost is $25.00 for 10 minutes plus $2.50 per minute thereafter.

    Q: Can I use a check to pay?  Sorry, No.  You can always use your debit card, though.

    Q: I'm a pathetic loser and I don't feel like I'm worthy of calling you.  That's what I'm here for, Loser


Princess Lindy - 1-888-711-3118